Monday, September 22, 2008

Quick thoughts.

There's something different in the air. The smell of hope and salvation. I want to be posi, but I don't think my brain makes the correct chemicals to allow that to happen. Sure, I'm over-stressed, under-slept, sick sore and tired... but other than that I see no reason as to why I shouldn't be smiling at the birds and singing to the trees.

Other than the fact that life sucks and the world is a piece of shit, obviously.

But really, how do you tune out all the negative nancies and debbie downers in your head. How do you put all your fears, worries, even blatant name calling and evil aside... to just be happy?

I used to think happiness was a warm body. That changed into a warm puppy. Which then morphed into a warm bike seat. My psychic told me that the key to my happiness would be being outside, but outside contains people and I don't really like having to deal with more of those than I have to. A select few are fine, sometimes even welcomed, but for the most part the general population brings me to tears.

So, how do you do it? Maintain the posi. Fuck the negi(?).
How do you push on through the ho-hum to get to the fuck yes?

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