Saturday, April 26, 2008

Always want to talk it through, I don't care.

I've been listening to intense amounts of Amy Winehouse lately. This isn't anything new, except for the fact that she has now joined the ranks of other lesser known (and less talented) musicians in my collection... as someone who is now deemed utterly obnoxious to those around me because of my incessant need to blast her tunes all the time.

Oh well.

I should probably download some more of her tunes, though *I* have now joined the ranks of the old and feeble... I pay for my music. Yes, you heard it. Pay. iTunes makes everything so convenient and nice and easy that shuffling through Limewire hardly seems worth it anymore. All the computers in my house (3) were taken hold by some nasty spyware bug that infested itself into our registries and therefore making said computers utterly useless. It took $80 bucks, Norton, and some love and care to get them back up and running. I'm not going to compromise my hardware all for a free cover of "Valerie". Maybe that means the terrorists have won, but for now I'm willing to back down on this fight and just go about my merry little iStore loving way. 

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