Monday, April 21, 2008

Fuck you.

My blood is boiling. There is a rage crawling under my skin that I can not begin to name, or decipher. Perhaps it is the fact that my schedule is out of wack. I don't know when I'm hungry, sleepy, thirsty, sad, happy, angry, or tired. I'm an invariable mess. Have been all weekend.

I think it all comes down to having to interact with other humans. A wise old man once told me he wished nothing more than to live as a hermit in a cave on a mountain amongst the animals, so he could send mailbombs to presidents of large corporations. I agreed, then remembered that there's probably no post man to come and get said packages, let alone to deliver my Netflix movies. There's always something standing in the way of my happiness.

I decided that I needed to start going to the gym more. Need to watch my food intake/calorie consumption. Take my allergy medication. Drink more water. Sleep on a regular schedule. Save money. Do the dishes. Fold the laundry. Walk the dog. Daily. But I have none of the energy to do any of that. I'd talk to my shrink about it, but he just nods and writes prescriptions on pads that no one can read. I digress.

Basically, on days like this, I've noticed that the world is full of morons, and I am one of the lucky enlightened few who gets to travel amongst the damned wishing her *heartlight would kick on so she could be mindlessly shipped off just like the rest.

*That was a Logan's Run reference for anyone who was still paying attention.

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