Monday, November 10, 2008

eBay Fever.

If you took a look at my eBay watch/bid list... you'd get the impression I'm a 15 year old boy.

I'm currently bidding on a 52cm 1986 Bianchi road bike. Top tube is 56 cm long, which will accomodate my abnormally long torso (and short-short legs). May not even convert it. However, if I'm outbid I ain't going for it. Conversion frames/road bikes *have* to drop in price soon. Right? RIGHT? I'll just bide my time until the right one falls into my lap.

I still haven't dismissed the idea of getting an actual track bike, but those are a biiiit more pricey. Especially for something that I'll probably be replacing components on.

I was outbid at the last second for my #1 love... the Danelectro Rumor bass. I had one in my possession once, but that is a long and boring story. Someone used eSnipe or some other vile internet program to beat me out by $2.50 at the last minute. So, I'm currently looking for a Univox bass. Mosrite rip off. Those things are light, and sweet. I see a few on there, mostly in the $100-$300 range. Maybe I can convince the boyfriend to get one for a Christmas present? I hear he kind of likes me.

Either way, one thing my house doesn't need anymore of is bikes or guitars. I have a crappy Ibanez that buzzes (intonation is waaaay off) and looks like someone in Slipknot should be playing it. I am borrowing a vintage Epiphone Thunderbird which, while awesome, is not mine. I also have a Fender acoustic, and an Epiphone Les Paul Jr. This does not include the two guitars that my boyfriend has at home, either.

All of this aside, I still don't know what to ask my parents for, for Christmas. Same thing happened for my birthday (in March) and they were just like "Eh, figure something out, we'll get it for you" which never happened. This weekend I'm going with mom to a LBS north of Tampa to pick out some cycling gear... maybe they'll have a few components that I can talk her into putting under the Chanukkah Bush this year.

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