Thursday, May 1, 2008


There comes a point in your life, where you need to re-evaluate. Take a look at what is important to you, and what isn't. Where you see your life going, what path you are taking to get there, and how it's going to happen.

Right now, I'm there. In the middle.

It's an especially hard time for me. I feel 100% alone. No friends, no boyfriends, no family. No one except myself and my mother seem to understand. They just can't relate. I don't blame them, can't blame them really. They're all younger, still undergrads, in amazing cities having the time of their lives. I've already been there, already done that. It's fun for a little while, but I couldn't imagine twelve straight months of it, let alone one.

I just can't seem to put time and energy and money into another heartache. Can't sweat it out in suburban utopia for absolutely nothing. Can't throw my savings and my hopes into a crappy overpriced apartment in St. Petersburg to work this crappy office bitch job for this crappy company who only looks out for #1.

But is the devil I'm unfarmiliar with a better foe than the one I know?

I guess that's the big question everyone has when faced with a major life decision. On top of it all, I feel like a fool. A love sick puppy who makes decisions based on her heart instead of instinct and intelligence. I've been doing it my entire life, and it has gotten me nowhere but here. Literally.

He isn't much help. Stuck at his own crossroads, seeing no future other than what is before his eyes. No hopes, no dreams. Just trying to keep his head above water. What he doesn't seem to realize is that we all are. With just a little help from each other, it will make life easier, make the world less harsh, make it all bearable.

But maybe my mother is right. That apparently the idea of me leaving doesn't seem amount to much. And who wants to feel that insignificant?


Susie said...

I understand too honey. I'm sorry you're having such a hard time. You can call me and bitch and cry anytime. Love you oodles.

Britt said...

i'm self centered, an alcoholic, and probably one of the worst people you could have ever picked to be friends with. but i do care about you soooo much. i was worried you flipped your shit yesterday. i just didn't want to call all giggly on the hooch and upset you further.

have you ever seen the episode of "nevermind the buzzcocks" that amy winehouse is on? if you haven't youtube that shit. she actually says "i rather have cat aids."

i love her and you more every day. MWAH!